Friday 25 March 2011

Main Task: Reggae Music Magazine Double Page Spread Redraft 24th-25th Mar

For this photo that I have decided to use, I have set up the room so it looks as though the singer is doing a performance. The use of the cream background shows that the singer is an innocent person and the way that the lighting is done behind her brightens up the room a little bit. If the background light was not there, it would make the room look too dark and the singer would not be able to be seen as effectivly as it does now.
I took this image myself but I have taken it from a performance that I put on YouTube. I done this by recording myself singing and then uploading it.
 I print screened it so I could get the picture from it. I have used this photo for one of my double page spread pictures because I wanted it to show the main cover artist.
I have used this photo because I wanted to show what the cover artist looked like when he was younger. In the article, it explains that he gave up music to look after his children. so I have used this photo to portray that.

This is my final drafty of the double page spread. I have kept the colour scheme going throughout the whole magazine. I have chosen to use more than one photo because I think that there should be more than one within the spread as I have only used one for the front cover and contents page. the interview is not too long and wordy because I wanted to keep the readers engaged not bored. the main thing that i changed was the colour of the background. this was because I wanted it to contrast well with the contents page.  

Friday 18 March 2011

Main Task: Reggae Music Magazine Redrafted Contents Page 17th-18th Mar

For the background, I have used a red, yellow and green gradient that I believe contrasts with the magazine theme. This is the main feature of the contents page that i have changed for the magazine. I thought that the white background was too plain. I will continue this colour scheme for the double page spread.
I believe that this is very effective because it stands out a lot and I think that this will catch the readers eyes. The image of the cover star is also there because I want to keep the readers guessing. Also, I believe that the features are the most important aspect of the contents page which is why I have only used one photo. I have also tried to keep the font of the text similar or the same so that the theme flows all throughout the magazine.

Friday 11 March 2011

Main Task: Reggae Music Magazine Redraft 11th-12th Mar.

Today is the day that the magazine redraft is due. I have decided that I will keep the background white because it represents Jonny Roots as being pure and innocent in the 80's. however, I have used photoshop and kept the speakers in the background so that there is evidence that the artist is in a music based area. When it comes to the double page spread, the background will be different. I will do this by taking a picture with a more dynamic background to show the maturity of the aritists coming back into music.