Thursday 7 April 2011

Audience Feedback: 7th April 2011

 Audience Feedback for Front Cover
There was a mixture of feedback that I received for my magazine.
For the front cover, it was said that the central image drew them to the magazine and caught their attention really quickly.
The colour scheme that was used was said to be very effective because of the way that it represents the Caribbean. The font was clear to read.
The way that the photo was taken seemed to catch their eye also. I was said that the way in which it seems as though the photo has been taken a long time ago because of the effect that was placed on it.
However, it was said that the masthead could have been a little bit bigger so that it jumped off the page more.
The colour of the clothes that the cover artist was wearing could have been a little bit brighter so that it contrasted better with the text.

Audience Feedback for Contents Page
 For the contents page was said that the way that the features were laid out was different from what was normally seen.
The way that the background was set out seemed to have attracted the readers as effectively as I wanted it to. They said that the way that the red, yellow and green integrate with each other caught their attention the most.
They liked the way that the question that was asked related directly to the front page.
One improvement that was suggested was that there could have been maybe one more photo to fill the page. They said that this would have given them more of a reason to read the magazine.
Another criticism was that there could have been a few more pages that could have been added to keep them interested.

Audience Feedack for Double Page Spread
 For the double page spread, it was said that they liked the
 way that the colour scheme was kept up throughout the magazine. They said that if it was a different colour from the contents page, it wouldn’t have worked as effectively.
The image of the cover star and a young boy and  his daughter seemed to appeal to the audience as they said that it portrayed something different.
They liked the image of the man cover star but thought that it could have been a little bigger to show that it was the main feature in the article.

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