Friday 4 February 2011

Main Task: Reggae Magazine Double Page Spread 3rd-4th Feb

Today I start my double page spread. First, I will research different examples so that I have a clear idea on how I can base my one on. Then I will add the text to the spread doing the images last as I have not decided what type of images I want for the it. I will try to get pictures that is good quality and is worthy of being a double page spread images. I want the images to look unique. I will use more than one image because I want the spread to look as if I have taken pictures from Jonny Roots' past and present.
These are a few examples that I have looked at so that I have an idea as to what my double page spread will look like. These images are from

Example 1
With this example, only one side of the spread has been filled with text which shows that the pages doesn't have to full up both of the pages. The bold text contrasts with the colours that the Black Eyed Peas are wearing. I have to make sure that I try to mirror this for mine because I want the spread to look affective and appeal to the audience and draw them in to buy the magazine when they look in it.

Example 2

This example is quite similar to Example 1. The similarities are that there is only one main image for this spread. This shows that I don't necessarily need to to add more than one photo to my spread but to make it look a little to bit different to other magazines, I will add a few photos. I will also place the text on both sides of the spread although these two examples show that text needs to be on one side.

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