Friday 11 February 2011

Main Task: Reggae Magazine Double Page Spread 10th-11th Feb

Before I can start my double page spread, I need to find out information of the cover artist so that I can add it to the spread. Over the weekend I will make sure that I take a few more pictures of my cover artist to try and decide the type of picture that I want to use.
I will try and attract and address my audience by portraying photos of the cover artist and try to create nostalgia for the audience so that they can relate to the magazine. I will do this by including old photos of the cover artists most famous moments that the audience will remember.
I am designing my double page spread to represent mostly people who are interested into the old school Jamaican reggae artists.
I have started to add the interview of the main cover image before I decide on what type of picture I want for the spread. I will need to do some more research on the way that photos are taken so that I can apply it to my own one. I will take a photo of the main cover star while they are wearing either red, yellow or green clothing so that it contrasts with the questions in the interviews. I have made sure that the theme of red, gold and green has continued throughout the process of creating affect for the front cover, contents page and the double page spread.

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