Friday 7 January 2011

Main Task: 16th -17th December 2010 Music Magazine

Today, I have completed the front cover of the magazine. I have decided that the background will stay white because of the research that I have done, I have found out that the magazine backgrounds are kept plain and simple. This may because the publishers want to keep the main focus on the main cover image.
For the picture, I took it and then transferred it to my phone where there are effects that have made it look like an old photo of the main cover image. This because the content of the article is that Jonny Roots is a n artist who was big back in the 80's and this image represents that. The recent image of him is different by the clothes and the setting of the background. Here is the first draft of the front cover.

I also started to research different contents page layouts to try and get an idea on how to set my contents page out.
This is one of the first designs that I have chosen to research. I quite like this design because of the large title of the word CONTENTS. It is not the usual way that the contents page looks like. I think that I will take this idea and develop the design as I go along. I have taken this image from the website:
The second design that I have chosen is quite interesting because it has quite a lot going. This could be effective because it gives the reader all the information that they are going to read about. However, I think there is too much going on in the contents as I believe that there is too much information being given. I believe that the reader should should be kept guessing about what they are going to read. I have taken this image from the website:

Layout 1


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