Friday 7 January 2011

Main Task: Reggae Contents Page 6th-7th January 2011

Today, I started to create my contents page. I have done this by starting to add some text to my page. For examaple, I have typed the words CONTENTS on the side of the page (like the design layout 1 on the 17th of December). I have made the letters look like the masthead on the front cover. the colours and effects on the text are the same. I am trying to make sure that the colours, fonts and styles flow throughout the magazine. I have added a photo of the main cover star Jonny Roots. However, the cover image is of Jonny Roots when he was younger. The image in the bottom right of the contents page is the mature Jonny Roots and what he looks like now. I have chosen to do this because when the readers look at the contents page and see the photo, the question next to it says "Who is this?" This will make the audience want to buy the magazine and go to the double page spread to find out who it is. I have decided to make the magazine have about 30 pages in it because I want the reader to want to be able to feel as though they have to buy the magazine every month so that they keep up with the latest news. I want the audience to feel like the magazine is not enough for them and they crave for more.

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