Friday 14 January 2011

Main Task: Reggae Contents 13th-14th January

I have taken this image that I took myself into Photoshop and taken away the background because I don't think that it suits the style of the magazine. This is because the colour beige is not normally associated with Jamaica. Colours that are bright and bring a sense of warmth are more likely to be chosen. For example, Green is associated with the grass, Yellow is associated with the sun and Blue is associated with the warm blue ocean. These are the type of colours that I have chosen to use for the magazine front cover because I believe that when the readers look at it, they will automatically think that it is a Caribbean magazine.  There is a caption to this picture in the contents page which says "Who is this! Find out on page 12". This is a recent picture of Jonny Roots. So when the readers look at ther contents page, they will be wondering who the person is and throw them off of the fact that it is the person on the front cover. the readers will then turn to page 12 and then find out.
I have also started to add some information to my contents page such as the regular features i.e. weekly news, exclusive videoshots. Plus, competitions to go the Caribbean or meet Reggae Stars. I have been trying to find the right text for the contents page so that it contrasts with the front cover. In addition, I want to change the background colour by starting to slowly add more colour to the background and gradually the colour gradient will increase. I don't want the same background colour for the whole of the magazine because I don't want it to look plain and boring which white can be when used excessively.

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