Sunday 23 January 2011

Main Task: Reggae Contents Page 20th-21st Jan

Since the deadline is the 21st, I have finished adding the main text for the contents page. Now I have to try and find a background that would suit the colours of the contents page. I believe that something that is not too overwhelming will be more effective because I want the readers of the magazine to be drawn to features of the magazine and not the background. I think that the background should be simple and I want it to gradually build up the gradient of the background effective.

I have completed my contents page and I have decided to leave the background white. The reason for this is because while I was trying out different colours, I didn't think that they looked good enough for the magazine.

Looking back at the preliminary task, I feel that I have improved my skills in using Photoshop and InDesign firstly because I have proved that can use Photoshop because I have removed the background from the image that I used for the front cover and contents page. Next lesson I am hoping to complete my presentation for the reggae magazine.

This is the contents page for my magazine. I think that the background should be a different colour as it looks a little bit plain. However, I like the way that hte white background makes the text stand out and jump off the page.

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